The effectiveness of teaching using electronic mental maps in developing some technical skills and cognitive achievement among middle school students

Document Type : Original Article



The aim of this study was to measure the effectiveness of teaching a proposed unit using electronic mental maps in developing the technical skills and cognitive achievement of the third grade students
The sample of the study consisted of (60) students from the third grade students. They were divided into two groups:  one experimental, 30 students and the other 30 students. The results of the research resulted in the following:
1)    There are statistically significant differences at the level of (05.0) between the average scores of the students in the experimental groups and the control in the post application of the note card for the technical skills for the students of the experimental group.
2)    There are statistically significant differences at the level of (05.0) between the average scores of students in the experimental groups, and the control in the post-test cognitive achievement for the benefit of the experimental group students.

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