Developing Educational Program Based on Active Learning and its measurement on Developing the Practical Skills for High School Students ( Courses System )

Document Type : Original Article


Chemistry teacher in the General Department of Education in Qassim


Abstract.  This study aimed at building educational program based on active learning and revealing its effect on building skills for the chemistry course1 among high school students. 
    A survey descriptive method was used to build a list of skills suitable for high school students( Courses System ) studying chemistry 1 and building educational program based on active learning . A quasi- experimental design was employed with one experimental group receiving instruction using  the  active learning program while the control group used the traditional method.
     skills test and an observation card of skills prepared by the researcher were administered  for both experimental and control group as pretests and posttests . 
     The final sample of the study consisted of 60 students enrolling at Asyah Secondary School in Ain Bin Fuhaid assigned for both experiment and control groups of 30 students each.
      Results of the main study showed that it has reached the preparation of skills suitable for students in the all stages of secondary( Courses system )  in chemistry 1, which included (9) practical skills, under which 70 sub-practical skills,  that a statistically significant different was found at the level of  ( 0.05 ≥  α) a with students of experimental group scoring significantly higher than the students of the control group on the posttest for both the test and the observation card . These findings suggested that the educational program on active learning has had a positive effect on high school students who  studying chemistry.