A suggested Educational Perspective for Protecting the Arab Identity in the Light of the Information Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Fundamentals of Education Education and Psychology Department - Faculty of Art and Education - University of Tabuk


Education and its forms, patterns and levels represents the main base of facing the information revolution and establishing the knowledge community. Furthermore, the radical changes founded by the information revolution in the society infra-structure taking into consideration the educational, cultural, religious, economic and social dimensions affects the loyalty and principles of the Arab people and decreased their identity and belongness.
The current study aimed at identifying the core of informatics and its relationship with the Arab people identity via a suggested perspective for functionalizing informatics in order to reinforce the Arab identity. The study made use of the analytical descriptive method due to its suitability for the nature and objectives of the study as it goes beyond mere description to the interpretation and analysis of the available data and information concerning informatics and education in order to realize the underlying relationship and build many conclusions that may be used in developing the suggested perspective of functionalizing informatics in reinforcing the Arab identity.
With this in mind, for functionalizing the informatics in education and activating the identity of Arab people in the knowledge community taking into account the suggested prescriptive, the current study recommended:
1)    Making use of the most effective technologies in transferring and exchanging knowledge within institutions taking into consideration their processing, management, activities which make the educational process more effective, attractive and of high quality.
2)    Portraying a clear national plan of information that gathers the Arab interrelated institutions and identifies the tasks, duties and roles taking into account precise schedules of implementation, application, supervision, evaluation and modification in the light of the informatics changes.
