Knowledge economy skills needed for high school students and the extent to which they are included in biology book content  

Document Type : Original Article


Master Degree - College of Education - University of Najran


study aimed at building a list of knowledge economy skills to be included  in the biology books determined for  the secondary school stage in the kingdom of  Saudi Arabia, and determining the extent to which such books contain such skills, the researcher used the descriptive approach, The study tools are represented in a content analysis card. The study findings revealed that the availability of the knowledge economy skills included in  the first year secondary biology book at the first year of the secondary school stage came in descending order as follows: (thinking and problem-solving skills, economic skills and the preparation for the job market, behavioral skills, information and communication technology skills, social and communication skills), while such skills came as follows in the second and the third years secondary books: (thinking skills and problem solving, economic skills and preparation for the job market, information and communication technology skills, behavioral skills, social and communication skills). The third year secondary biology book for both the first and the second semesters is more inclusive of knowledge economy skills.