The reality of the practice of the leader of the private elementary school for human relations in the city of Riyadh

Document Type : Original Article


Masters - College of Education - King Saud University  


Study summary:
The study aimed to know the reality of the practice of the leader of the private elementary school in Riyadh City for Human Relations. As well as to know the degree of difference of opinions of the study sample members on the reality of the practice of the leader of the private elementary school in the city of Riyadh for human relations, according to different variables of the study: (educational qualifications, experience in the field of study), and the members of the study sample reached (220) primary school teachers. The study found the following:
1- There is a clear response to the good role model and the relative weight of the field was 88.33%.
2- There is a high response to the field of cooperation, and the relative weight of the field was 84.48%.
3- There was an average response for the estimation field and the relative weight of the field was 77.05%.
4- There is a high response to the respect field, and the relative weight of the field was 87.41%.
5- There is an average response to the confidence-building field, and the relative weight of the field was 87.41%.
6- There is a difference between the opinions of the study sample according to a variable (the academic qualification), and the differences were in favor of those whose educational qualification is Bachelor degree according to the arithmetic mean.
7- There is a difference between the opinions of the study sample according to a variable (experience) in favor of the least experienced who have 1-5 years experience.