The reality of the multiple support services provided for people with disabilities (intellectual - visual) in the Al-Noor Institute for the Blind in Riyadh from the viewpoint of teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Masters - College of Education - King Saud University


The aim recognize the reality of support services provided to people with multiple disabilities (my mind is optical) for the Blind in Riyadh from the teacher's point of view, also aimed to identify the most important support services currently provided for people with multiple disabilities (intellectual-optical) from the teachers' point of view, and also sought to identify the obstacles that hinder the provision of support services for people with multiple disabilities (intellectual-optical) at the Institute of the light from the teachers' point of view, has been used as a researcher in this study the descriptive survey, and the questionnaire as a tool for data collection was study sample consisted of 40 teachers, the study found set of results:
-        That the support services provided to people with multiple disabilities (my mind is optical) for the Blind in Riyadh from the point of view of teachers is the transport and communications service at the Institute, and school counseling services, social services, and entertainment services, diagnostic services and evaluation.
-        That the most important obstacles that hinder the provision of support services for people with multiple disabilities (intellectual-optical) at the Institute of the light from the teachers of view is the lack of coordination and integration among providers of support services for people with disabilities (intellectual-optical), not to the families of cooperation and lack of knowledge of the importance of services support for people with multiple disabilities (intellectual-optical), the lack of a multi-disciplinary team, which in turn helps to provide support services for people with multiple disabilities (my mind is, and optical(