Performance management strategies for primary school principals in Madinah

Document Type : Original Article


Holds a master's degree in educational administration - educational supervisor


The aim of the research is to identify the reality of performance management strategies for principals of primary schools in Madinah. The research also aims at investigating the effect of the difference between: the job and the years of experience on the reality of performance management strategies for principals of primary schools in Madinah. The study sample was selected according to the sample size determination equation for the research activities of Kargesi and Morgan. The sample of the study will be (110) managers, 71.9% for the original community of school principals, 106 agents for 73% , And 10% for the original community of school agents. Thus, the sample of the study for all categories of the sample (managers, agents) will reach (216) individuals by 72.48% of the original population of the study. The researcher used the questionnaire as a research tool, applied to both managers and agents in the government primary schools in Madinah. The study reached a number of results, most notably: • The most practiced areas by school principals are: performance planning with an average of (3.72) and a large extent, then the field of follow-up performance at an average (3,70) and a large extent, followed by the field of performance evaluation (3.68) The field of organization of performance ranked last with an average of (3.62) to a large extent.
• The most effective strategies for performance planning practiced by school principals compared to the averages are: to help all employees to perform the work as well as they can perform at an average of (4,08) and to a large extent, and the lowest strategies compared to other strategies are: The average performance of the school staff is (3.39) and the average level. • The most effective strategy for performance management by school principals compared to arithmetic averages is the existence of a regulatory structure that shows organizational relationships and responsibilities at an average of (3.80) and to a large extent, and the least moderate strategies compared to other strategies: Performance in its early stages with an average of (3.31) and an intermediate degree.
• The most effective strategies for performance follow-up by school principals compared to arithmetical averages are: the use of a collaborative language with workers based on a culture that promotes dialogue at an average of 4,08 and to a large extent handle problems that arise during work in an average constructive manner (4,03) ), And to a large extent, the lowest strategies compared to the other strategies are: continuous recording of the results of the measurement of the performance of workers at intervals and defined at an average (3.24) and to a medium degree, and discuss the results of periodic performance measurement with workers at an average (3.20) • The most effective strategy for evaluating performance is the practice of school principals compared to the arithmetical averages, namely: achieving justice and satisfaction among employees when their performance is documented at an average of (4,09) and to a large extent. The lowest strategies compared to other strategies are: And the steps of the performance appraisal process at an average of (3.37) and at an intermediate level.
• There are statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05 between the opinions of the sample of the study on the reality of the practice of school principals of performance management strategies depending on the job for managers. • There were no statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05 between the opinions of the sample members of the study on the reality of the practice of school principals of performance management strategies depending on years of experience in the field of education.


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