The leader of a primary school in Al-Ahsa Governorate has exercised the powers granted to him

Document Type : Original Article


Master's researcher - College of Education - King Saud University


This study aims to identify the practice of the leader of the primary school in Al-Ahsa governorate of the powers granted to him, as well as to identify the degree of differing opinions of study members on the practice of the leader of the primary school in Al-Ahsa governorate of the powers granted to him according to the different variables of the study (qualification - number of years of experience in the field of school leadership - work The current sample), the study sample has reached (140) leaders and agents for the primary stage, and the study reached the following results:
- That there is an average degree among the study members of the powers granted to the leader of the elementary school in Al-Ahsa Governorate, where the powers related to teachers come first, followed by the powers related to students, and in the end the powers related to the school building come as the least powers practiced.
- There are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the study members according to the variation of the educational qualification and years of experience in the field of school leadership, and the current job variable in relation to the following study axes: (the authorities related to the advertisers, and the powers of students).
- There are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) among the study members according to the difference in the current job variable in relation to the axis (the powers of the school building), as well as the overall degree of the axes in favor of school leaders.

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