A Suggested Proposal for Enhancing the Role of Governance in Improving Organizational Culture in Saudi Universities

Document Type : Original Article


Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.


This study aimed to identify the degree of application of governance in Saudi universities, to identify the degree of application of the organizational culture in Saudi universities, to determine the relationship between governance and organizational culture in Saudi universities, and to present a proposed scenario for enhancing the role of governance in improving organizational culture in Saudi universities. A random sample of academic leaders in Saudi Universities (totaling 334) individuals was selected for fulfilling the purpose of the study. A questionnaire was used to collect data, and the descriptive correlative approach was used. The results of the study revealed that the degree of application of governance in Saudi universities from the academic leaders’ viewpoints was medium, and their level of agreement was high on the principle of expanding participation in decision-making and problem solving. However, their agreement came with a medium degree concerning the following principles: The principle of transparency, accountability, and justice. The results concluded that there is a positive correlation between governance and organizational culture, and the research presented a suggested proposal to enhance the role of governance in improving organizational culture in Saudi universities


Main Subjects

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