The Effectiveness Of A program Based On Some Interesting Learning Strategies To Develop Motivation To Learn And Some Successful Intelligence Skills As An Approach To Reduce Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Of Kindergarten Children

Document Type : Original Article


ALazhar university


The research aimed to identify the effectiveness of a program based on some fun learning strategies to develop motivation for learning and some successful intelligence skills as an input to reduce attention deficit associated with hyperactivity in kindergarten children. One of them is an experimental group of (10) children, and the other is a control group of (10) children. The researcher used the experimental method with two groups, the experimental and the control, The researcher used the following tools: the successive matrices test to measure the intelligence of the kindergarten child by John Raven, the rationing of Emad Ahmed Hassan (2016), the measure of motivation for illustrated learning for the kindergarten child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the scale of successful illustrated intelligence for the kindergarten child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, My questionnaire for the diagnosis of attention deficit disorder accompanied by hyperactivity of a kindergarten child (the teacher's picture), (parents' pictures) (prepared by the researcher), the program based on some interesting learning strategies to develop motivation for learning and successful intelligence skills as an entry point to reduce attention deficit disorder accompanied by hyperactivity in kindergarten children ( Preparation / researcher).
   The results of the research revealed the effectiveness of the program based on some fun learning strategies to develop motivation for learning and some successful intelligence skills as an input to reduce attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among kindergarten children.


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