A Program Based on SWOM Strategy To Develop Grammatical Concepts and Grammatical Thinking Skills For First Year Middle School Pupils

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education, Suez University


This research aims to identify The Effectiveness of A program based on SWOM strategy to develop grammatical concepts and grammatical thinking skills for first year middle school pupils , The tools of the research consisted of Grammar Concepts List, Grammar Thinking Skills List, Grammar Concepts Test, Grammar Thinking Skills Test, Teacher's Guide, and Student's Book, The research sample consisted of (38) pupils  from the first preparatory grade at the old Suez Preparatory School for girls, Results of the research: there are statistically significant differences at the 0.01 level between the mean scores of the pupils  in the experimental group two measurements pre and post two measurements to Grammar Concepts Test for post measurement,  there are statistically significant differences at the 0.01 level between the mean scores of the experimental group pupils  in pre and post two measurements to Grammar Thinking Skills Test for post measurement, there is a positive correlation between the grades of the experimental group pupils  in the post-measurement of the measure of Grammar Concepts Test and the post-measurement of the Grammar Thinking Skills Test, The research recommended the use of the SWOM strategy in teaching grammar at all educational levels.


Main Subjects

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