The Effectiveness of a cognitive development acceleration model- based- teaching program of “the Matter Unit” in developing deep understanding and inductive reasoning skills among sixth graders in Sabya Department of Education

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Supervisor, Sabya Education Department


The research aims to determine the effectiveness of a cognitive development acceleration model- based- teaching program of “the Matter Unit” in developing deep understanding and inductive reasoning skills among sixth graders in Sabya Department of Education. To achieve the objectives hereof, the researcher used the experimental approach based on two-group pre-test–post-test design (experimental & Control groups). The research cluster random sample consisted of (64) students out of the research population of all (15) Al-Aydaby primary schools, as selected and distributed randomly into two groups: the experimental group of (32) students from Al-Aydaby School, and the Control group of (32) students from Imam Al Bukhari Elementary School. The research tools were deep understanding and inductive reasoning skills tests. The findings showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of both the experimental and control groups, in the post application of the deep understanding and inductive reasoning skills tests, in total and per dimension and skill, in favor of the experimental group students. The Eta-squared (h2) effect size of teaching program in developing deep understanding and inductive reasoning skills is (0.26) and (0.36), respectively.  Therefore, in the light of said findings, the researcher recommended holding training courses for science teachers of different KSA General Education Stages on how to apply Cognitive Development Acceleration Model phases and steps in teaching science.


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