The Role of The Secondary School In Achieving Intellectual Security For Its Students A Field Study In Gharbia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences - Faculty of Specific Education - Tanta University


The study aimed to determine the role of the secondary school in achieving intellectual security for students in Gharbia Governorate, and the research used the descriptive survey method by applying a questionnaire to a randomly stratified sample consisting of (815) students, with a percentage (0.93%) of the original community of students of the stage. Secondary school in Gharbia Governorate, amounting to (87364). The results of the study showed that educational roles, social roles, religious roles, and cultural roles among secondary school students in Gharbia governorate were medium. and that the most available ones: create a safe learning environment for students inside the school, involve teachers in committees to follow up and care for behavior in the school, employ school activities to enhance intellectual security, teachers listen to students’ problems, and contribute to solving them, encourage students to form social committees that enhance their belonging to their community, direct Parents of students to methods of intellectual communication with their children, the school communicates with community institutions to integrate with them in achieving intellectual security, all school employees cooperate in raising students’ awareness of their rights and duties, students gain insight into Islam’s view of non-Muslims, the school celebrates religious occasions to link the student with his history, With its worship, the school highlights religious figures throughout history to take them as models and role models through school radio. Students’ insight into the dangers of slipping into ideas that contradict Islam, addresses cultural alienation among students, enhances the culture of acceptance of the other among students, directs students’ energies towards participating in cultural activities, implements activities that raise students’ awareness of the dangers of cultural penetration to them, and the study also found statistically significant differences About the total questionnaire regarding the reality of the role of secondary school in achieving intellectual security, at the level (0.05) due to the difference of the gender variable in favor of male students, and due to the difference of the location variable in favor of students affiliated with urban schools, and due to the difference of the grade variable, in favor of the third secondary grade students.


Main Subjects

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