Degree of availability of skills required for the labor market among Graduates from the College of Education and Arts at the University of Tabuk from the viewpoint of their superiors at work

Document Type : Original Article



     The study aimed at revealing the degree of availability of the necessary skills for the labor market among the graduates of the Faculty of Education at Tabuk University from the point of view of their  supervisors at work and revealing the existence of statistically significant differences between the responses of leaders and educational leaders attributed to gender variable, stage, In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher adopted the descriptive descriptive approach to answer the questions of the study and the questionnaire as a tool. The study society consists of all the leaders and leaders of the general education stages (primary, middle and secondary) in the city of Tabuk in the second semester of the academic year 1438/1439 AH (361) commander and leader The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are:
-The degree of availability of skills required for the labor market among graduates of the Faculty of Education and Literature at Tabuk University in the axes (mental skills - job skills - social skills) to a large extent.
-There were statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.01) between the responses of the leaders and leaders of the general
- education stages in Tabuk city on the availability of (mental skills   functional skills - and axes as a whole) among the graduates of the Faculty of Education due to the gender variable; .
-There were statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.01) between the responses of the leaders and leaders of the general education stages in Tabuk city on the availability of (social skills) among graduates of the Faculty of Education due to the specialization variable;
