Contribution of academic institute principals to the professional development of teachers

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to identify the contribution level of academic institutes principals in teachers’ professional development and identify the difficulties facing them, to come up with proposals that enhance their contribution. Descriptive approach was used in surveying and questionnaire used as a tool. The study sample was (320) teachers.    results show that the role was high by principals s to develop teacher professionally with average (4.08). the significant phrases are (principals of the academic institutes persuade teachers to apply profession education ethics) and (principals of the academic Institute interact positively with teachers’ development initiatives). Also, they mostly agree on difficulties with average (3.74). The most important difficulties were lack of material and moral incentives for the excellent and highly professional teachers, and authorities’ limitation for principals  to have significant contribution. Results show that they mostly agree on proposals with average (4.31). The main suggestions were to raise awareness of the importance of professional development among teachers of academic institutes. And, a credited training by vice university for academic institutes at selected academic institutes.
Most significant recommendations are rewards for excellence teachers and expand the contribution of academic institutes principals on teachers’ professional development.
