The educational role of Saudi universities in preparing women to invest in small projects

Document Type : Original Article



This research reveals the educational role of Saudi universities in the preparation of women for investment, and the characteristics of administrative leadership in the levels of senior management in small enterprises, and the impact of these attributes on the efficiency of their performance and production.
The aim of this research is to determine the impact of the administrative leadership of Saudi women on the efficiency of their performance in the private sector which they personally manage, and to make some recommendations and proposals that will improve the efficiency of Saudi women working in the private sector. Saudi time to work in small businesses.
The researcher followed a descriptive approach by analyzing and interpreting the field data, through the use of Arabic and foreign books, references and periodicals, and previous studies related to the subject of the research, in order to establish the theoretical basis of the study. Obtain information on trends and perceptions of Saudi women investing in microenterprises from the characteristics of women's administrative leadership, and the impact of these characteristics on the efficiency of performance in private work.
The research community of Saudi businesswomen, graduates of King Saud University in Riyadh, is the property or director of small NGOs such as sewing workshops, beauty salons, women's cafes and fast food restaurants in the north of Riyadh. Business. The most important results were as follows:
- Saudi universities should increase their educational efforts in preparing women to invest in small projects, and they should provide specialized scientific and vocational sections that allow women to work after the university stage.
- The areas of women's work offered by universities are very few.
The main recommendations can be summarized as follows:
- Provide university specializations suitable for the work of women in small projects, and open the area of ​​community partnership between the private sector and universities to provide opportunities for women to work in small enterprises.
- Holding educational courses and specialized workshops in the field of women's work.
