Global mindset as an approach to new Learning

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Women - Ain Shams University


One of the recent concepts in the international educational fields is the concept of "global mindset". It entails the ability to acquire knowledge, traditions, cultural rules all over the world; as well as, the ability to adjust to different environments. The concept of "global mindset" also embeds the process of inventing positive effect in all global environments. Developing "global mindset "does not mean abandon any of our beliefs, values and traditions but it means holding over our identity with more comprehensive  cultural open-mindedness that will help us to develop teaching methods, curricula and syllabi. It also will improve dealing with others and enlarge recognizing recent global trends. The present paper aims at studying the different aspects of the "global mindset" and how to make use of it in both fields of education and real life.


Main Subjects

- Global Mindset in Business (2017): Definition & Concept,
- Global Mindset: Theoretical Backgrounds,   
- Global Mindset Definition: what it really means?