A proposed program in psychology for primary school students in light of the approach to learning based on communication between the brain and the heart to develop basic thinking skills and the pleasure of learning

Document Type : Original Article




The current research aimed to identify the effectiveness of a proposed program in psychology for primary school students in the light of the approach to learning based on communication between the brain and the heart to develop basic thinking skills and the pleasure of learning. A test in basic thinking skills, and a measure was made in the fun of learning, and the one-group experimental approach was used. The program was also applied to a group of students in the sixth grade of primary school at Al-Zahraa Primary School in Ain Shams, which numbered (20) male and female, and after applying the measurement tools beforehand. And after conducting statistical treatments, the results of the research resulted in the effectiveness of the proposed program in psychology in the light of the approach to learning based on communication between the brain and the heart in developing basic thinking skills and raising the level of learning pleasure among primary school students. The study recommended the need to direct research in the field of psychology teaching to attention at the primary stage.


Main Subjects

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