Assertiveness Skills for Married and Non-Married Women at the Basic Educational College In Kuwait: A comparative descriptive study

Document Type : Original Article


1 The Public Auothorty of Applied Education and training- Basic Educational College- Psychology Department

2 Public Authority of Applied Education and Training - Basic Girls Education Faculty - Psychology Department


The study aims to verify the availability of assertive skills among the students of the College of Basic Education, both married and unmarried, and to reveal the skills that characterize married and unmarried women. And the sample consisted of (282) female students, of whom (236) are unmarried and (46) are married. The results showed that the availability of affirmative skills was only (63%), as a percentage weight of what is considered in the middle category. It was also found that married women were distinguished by some assertive skills over unmarried women, such as; Social courage, expression of protest, expression of anger, and public apology. Non-Kuwaiti women were distinguished from non-Kuwaiti women by bargaining and restraint. It was clear from the results that the elderly women (28+) had higher skills in defending public rights and self-recognition. In light of the findings of the study, we suggest some recommendations, such as the necessity of paying attention to the assertive skills of male and female children from a young age, allowing them to express themselves and their feelings, and encouraging them to raise the efficiency of those skills through various forms of material and moral reinforcement, and other recommendations.


Main Subjects

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