Moral intelligence and its relationship to psychological resilience among a sample of parents of students with intellectual disabilities

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Special Education, College of Education, Al Baha University


The study aimed to identify the nature of the correlation between the scores parents of students with intellectual disabilities on the dimensions and the total score of the moral intelligence scale and their scores on the dimensions and the total score of the psychological resilience scale. Also, revealing the possibility of predicting the grades parents of students with intellectual disabilities on the psychological resilience scale with the knowledge of the degree on the moral intelligence scale.The study relied on the descriptive correlative approach, and the basic study sample consisted of (74) parents of students with intellectual disabilities who are enrolled in intellectual education classesroom in the education schools affiliated to the Al-Baha Education Department, and their ages ranged between (30-50) years, with an average of 44.52, and standard deviation (8.23). In addition, the study relied on the following tools: Measures of moral intelligence and psychological resilience for parents of students with intellectual disabilities prepared by the researcher, and the results showed that there is a positive correlation statistically significant at the level of (0.01) between the total score and the sub-dimensions of moral intelligence and the total score and sub-dimensions of psychological resilience However, moral intelligence was able to predict psychological resilience, as the multiple correlation coefficient reached (.566a), while the coefficient of determination was (0.321), which means that the independent variable (moral intelligence) explained about (32%) of the total variance in the performance of the study sample members on the resilience variable.


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