Training in some social and emotional aspects to increase communication among a sample of self-children

Document Type : Original Article



The abstract
The current study Entitled: " Training on some social and emotional aspects to increase communication among a sample of autistic children ". The study aims at detecting the extent to which communication is improved by the improvement of social and emotional aspects for the autistic child (simple degree) in post and consecutive measurement. The study sample consisted of 8 children, with (simple autistic degree). Also, the sample was divided equally into two groups (experimental and control). Furthermore, the researcher depended on the experimental approach due to its appropriateness to the subject of the study. The main results of the study include the following:                                                                                                                    
1- The existence of statistically significant differences among the rank mean scores for the members of the experimental group in the pre/post measurement on social skills scale, emotional expressions scale and communication scale for the benefit of the post measurement.  
2- The existence of statistically significant differences among the rank mean scores for the members of the experimental group and the control group in the post measurement on social skills scale, emotional expressions scale and communication scale for the benefit of the experimental group.                                                                                                                        
3-The nonexistence of statistically significant differences among the rank mean scores for the members of the experimental group in the post measurement & follow-up "after two months " on social skills scale, emotional expressions scale and communication scale.                          
