School Violence among Students from the perspective of Students' Advisors

Document Type : Original Article



          The current study addresses school violence among students from the perspective of students' advisors, which aims to identify the school violence among students from the perspective of students' advisors in Taif city. The sample has consisted of (100) mentors and students' advisors in Taif city. The researcher used the School Violence Scale (SVS) which is built by (Albjari and Al-Jumaili, 2010), which was codified on the Saudi environment by the researchers among the society of study and according to the scale's psychometric characteristics. To analyze the results, the researchers used the appropriate statistical methods that were analyzed by statistical program SPSS.  The results show that the statements (participating in troublemaking groups – participate with colleagues in making noises - strongly argue others to impose his opinion on them - resort to violence and force to regain his rights) come above the average while the rest of scale statements are around average. The arithmetic mean of male/female counselors' scores for students' violence is (2.11) and the standard deviation is (0.44). There is no significant differences between the variables (sex, experience in education, and experience in counseling). The study recommends building and preparing gender-specific preventive guidance programs for each school level to prevent violence; and emphasizes the role of counselors in various educational institutions.
