Psychological Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its’ Relationship to Services provided to them During the Corona Pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Special Education-Faculty of Education-Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University


This study aimed to discover the level of psychological stress and quality services provided for parents of children with Autism spectrum disorder during Covid-19 and examine the relationship between stress and quality services. The study sample included 294 parents .The Tools were a psychological stress survey and survey quality of services provided during Covid-19 for parents with Autism spectrum disorder. The results showed a high level of psychological stress for parents, and A fairly high level of service quality, also there is no a correlation between psychological stress and the quality of services during the pandemic for parents. In addition, there were no significant statistical differences in the level of stress due to the variable of the educational level of the parents, while there were significant statistics in the level of stress due to the variable of the type of educational alternative that provides services to the child in favor of the integration schools, also, there were differences in the level of services provided due to the variable of the educational level of the parents in favor of secondary education and below, and in the type of educational alternative that provides services to the child in favor of day care centers. The study recommended providing remote counseling services to parents to relieve their psychological stress


Main Subjects

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