The effectiveness of a training program for mothers to reduce anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders in their children with autism

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Special Education - Misr University for Science and Technology - Cairo - Egypt

2 Department of Psychology - Faculty of Education for Boys in Assiut - Al-Azhar University


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a training program for mothers in reducing anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders in their children with autism disorder. The sample consisted of (5) mothers and their children (5) males with autism, their chronological ages ranged between (37-42) years, and their children ranged from (5-11) years. Tools were used: the anxiety rating scale for children with autism disorder (prepared by researchers), the depression rating scale for children with autism disorder (prepared by the researchers), and the sleep disorder rating scale for children with autism disorder (prepared by researchers), one experimental group was used as an experimental design, and the training program for mothers (prepared by researchers) was applied, and the measurement was taken immediately after the completion of the program, and after two months, the results showed a reduction in the level of anxiety, depression and sleep disturbances in the post-test, and the level continued to drop after two months through (following up test).


Main Subjects

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