Structural model of causal relationships between each irrational thought psychological debility and cyber bullying among the students of the college of education Alexandria university

Document Type : Original Article




The aim of this research is to recognize both direct and indirect effects of variables such as electronic bulling , irrational thoughts ,psychological debility for university students ,the participants consisted of (382) male and female students , the tools of the study included three scales : electronic bulling , irrational thoughts , psychological debility, they are prepared by the researcher and path analysis has been applied through this study , the conclusions are the following , variables of the study forms structural model the explains causal relationship between electronic bulling as an independent variable and psychological debility as an mediator variable and irrational thoughts as dependent variable , there is direct effect statistically significant of irrational thoughts on electronic bulling for university students , there is direct effect statistically significant of irrational thoughts on psychological debility for university students , there is indirect effect not statistically significant irrational thoughts on electronic bulling through psychological debility for university student


Main Subjects

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