The Effectiveness of Some Creative Thinking Strategies in Developing Problem-Solving Skills for Preparatory Stage Students in Social Studies

Document Type : Original Article



the research aimed to discover the effectiveness of some creative thinking strategies in the development the problem solving skills.Where  the problem  of research was in dentified  in the low level of problem – solving  skills  of students . the research prepared these tools ( A teacher guide , a pupli's book , examining the problem solving skills .A random  sample of the study was selected ( 60) second year preparatory pupils . it assigned to an experimental group and control one where each consist of (30) students . both group were taught the lessons .the experimental groups were taught through using some creative thinking strategies as the control one was taught by regular in struction .the results resulted in the superiority of the students  of the  experimental  group  to the students  of  the control  group  and the effectiveness  of creative thinking  strategies used in developing  problem solving  skills of  students  in  social  studies