Strategies for managing Adolescent’s Emotions as An Intermediate Variable between the Emotion Dysregulation for Mothers and the Social-Emotional Competence of Adolescent

Document Type : Original Article


1 Counseling psychology- Faculty of Graduate studies for Education-Cairo university

2 Educational Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies for Education - Cairo University


The current study aims at examining the causative relationship between the emotional dysregulation of mothers, strategies for managing Adolescent’s Emotions and adolescents as an intermediate variable and the social-emotional competence of adolescents. It also aims at predicting the social-emotional competence of adolescents through the mothers' emotional dysregulation and strategies for managing Adolescent’s Emotions. The sample of the study consists of 265 mothers with mean ages (44.9), standard deviation (5.9), their adolescents were preparatory school students with an average age of (13, 59) standard deviation (0.91). Researchers use the “emotion dysregulation for mothers” scale as mothers perceived and the “strategies for managing Adolescent’s Emotions” scale, “social-emotional competence” scale as adolescents perceived and “the socio-economic level” scale.
The results of the study reveal that the Strategies for Managing Adolescent’s Emotions mediate the relationship between the Emotion dysregulation for Mothers and the adolescents social emotional competence as well as it was possible to predict the adolescents social emotional competence through one of the dimensions of mothers’ emotional dysregulation (difficulties using emotion regulation strategies), also through some of the adolescents emotion management strategies (emotion centred strategies, ignoring and blaming). The results indicate that there were no statistically significant differences between males and females in social-emotional competence and in emotional management strategies.
Emotion regulation is considered an important role for enhancing adolescents' social emotional competence, mothers play a prominent role in how to develop emotional regulation in their adolescents through emotional management strategies.
Key Words: Emotion Dysregulation , Social Emotional Competence


Main Subjects

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