Effect of Infection with Coronavirus (Covid 19) and its Mutations Anxiety and The Attitude towards Electronic Distance Education on The Quality of Academic Life among Students of Umm Al-Qura University

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education - Minia university


The current research conducted to identify the effect of infection with Coronavirus Covid 19 and its mutations anxiety, and attitude towards distance electronic education on the quality of academic life of Umm Al-Qura University students. To achieve this purpose, the Abdul-Wahab Scale (2021) was used to measure infection with Coronavirus Covid 19 and its mutations anxiety. The two scales of attitude towards distance electronic education and quality of academic life were built and their psychometric characteristics were verified. These measures were applied to a sample of (681) male and female students from Umm Al-Qura University in undergraduate and postgraduate stage, and the results resulted in a decrease of infection with Coronavirus Covid 19 and its mutations anxiety level, and a higher level of attitude towards distance electronic education and quality of academic life among the research sample. The results indicated also the possibility of predicting quality of academic life through the attitude towards distance electronic education, and the unpredictability of quality of academic life through anxiety of infection with the Coronavirus Covid 19 and its mutations.


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