Developing Science Curriculum in Light of Blended Learning and Its Impact on Developing Scientific Concepts for Deaf Preparatory Stage Students

Document Type : Original Article



      The aim of this resrarch is to develop the science curriculum in the light of the integrated education and its impact on the development of scientific concepts among the students of the preparatory stage of the deaf, and this research has followed the quasi-experimental design and used one of its designs that is the two- group experimental design.
   The research sample consisted of (40) students in the second grade. this research has reached that there is a statistical significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group that use blended learning in studying, and the mean scores of control group in the post application of Scientific Concepts test for the sake of the experimental group.
Also, there is a statistical significant difference between the means scores of experimental group in Scientific Concepts test before and after studying the unit for the sake of after test.
