Higher Education’s Leadership Soft Skills Reflected in Covid-19 Responses

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Leadership, College of Education, King Faisal University, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia


The 2020 coronavirus pandemic and its negative consequences have become the world’s most unpredictable health crisis, thereby causing the global higher education community significant challenges. Because leaders of higher education institutions have responded to the Covid-19 crisis in various ways, this study’s purpose was to gather information on methods and strategies of institutional leadership and management. The study uses desk and meta-analysis, researching specifically through a review of previous research and then deriving conclusions and recommendations. The two research questions are (1) how are universities responding to the pandemic? and (2) How has the pandemic impacted university leadership? Through skilled leadership, instructors and students have mostly shifted to online distance learning. Conclusions focus on that higher education leaders should prioritize safeguarding of learners’ rights and promote economic growth, sustainable development, and long-lasting peace. Therefore, leading decision-makers should heed the several recommendations in regard to, guarantee the safety of all, ensure inclusive reopening, involve all stakeholders, remove connectivity limitations, uphold the teaching profession and teachers’ preparedness, management Styles.


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