The effectiveness of a program for developing self-management skills and its impact on supporting psychological immunity among a sample of students of the Faculty of Education, Helwan University

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mental Health. Faculty of Education. Helwan University


The current research aimed to prepare a program to develop self-management skills for a sample of students of the College of Education and test its impact on supporting psychological immunity, and to identify the statistically significant differences according to gender and academic specialization, The scale of self-management for university students and the scale of psychological immunity were prepared by the researcher,. The self-management skills development program was designed, The research sample consisted of (469) male and female students from the four teams, ranging in age from Between (19-22), with an average age of (75, 20), and standard deviation (369, 1), the experimental research sample was selected from the students of the first year and counted ( 22) male and female students, who had low scores on the scales of self-management and psychological immunity, The results of the research showed: there is a statistically significant correlation between all the factors of self-management, all the factors of psychological immunity and the total degree, and the results showed that there were no differences between students due to gender and study specialization in self-management and psychological immunity, and the results showed the effectiveness of the program in developing skills Self-management, and the development of self-skills had a significant effect in supporting psychological immunity, and the effectiveness of the program continued after two months of the program's end.


Main Subjects

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