Activating the digital governance of Egyptian universities in light of the dimensions of strategic vigilance, a Suggested concept

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of women for , arts, science,and education

2 Faculty of Education, Damanhour University


        Presenting a proposed vision to activate digital governance in the light of the dimensions of strategic vigilance for Egyptian universities. The study used the descriptive approach and applied a questionnaire to faculty members at Ain Shams and Damanhour Universities, and reached the following results:
The dimensions of strategic vigilance have been largely achieved as follows: environmental, then technological, then organizational, then competitive, and finally commercial.
The correlation coefficient was strong between the degrees of digital governance and the dimensions of strategic vigilance, the highest correlation coefficient for the competitive dimension, and the lowest correlation value for the commercial dimension.
There are no statistically significant differences according to the degree of specialization of faculty members (scientific, literary, educational) in the field of strategic vigilance and its dimensions.
The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences between faculty members according to the degree variable (teacher - assistant professor - professor) in all areas of strategic vigilance except for the technological field.
The results of dimensional comparisons by degree variable found that there are statistically significant differences between the following:
Professors and associate professors in favor of the latter in the competitive and organizational areas.
Teachers and professors in the light of the commercial dimension in favor of professors.
Teachers, associate professors and professors for the benefit of associate professors in the environmental field.


Main Subjects

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