The Role of Big Five Factors of Personality in Predicting Behavior Disorders for Female Gifted Adolescent Students in light of Corona Pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Special Education, Faculty of Education, Al Baha University, Al Baha City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to reveal the prevalence rates of behavior disorders and the role of Big Five Factors of Personality in predicting them among gifted adolescent female students. The behavior disorders scale researcher prepared was used and it includes dimensions: opposition- defiant, social withdrawal, anxiety, and the scale of Big Five Factors of Personality (the short picture) includes dimensions: extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness. The study follows the descriptive correlative approach. The results showed that the prevalence rates of anxiety disorders, social withdrawal, opposition- defiant reached (29.29% - 24.24% - 11.11%), respectively. the most prevalent personality type is (extroverted, balanced, conscientious, agreeable, open-minded), with a frequency of (38) with a percentage of (38.38%), and (balanced introverted, non- conscientious, agreeable, open minded), frequency (16) rate (16.16%). Then a pattern (balanced introverted, conscientious, agreeable, open minded) frequency (14) rate (14.14%), and (balanced extroverted, non- conscientious, agreeable, open minded) frequency of (10) rate (10.10%), as it turned out that the extraversion Appearance (56.56%), while introversion (43.43%). and neuroticism (13.13%), while emotional stability (86.86%), conscientiousness (58.58%), non-conscientiousness (41.41%), agreeableness (98.98%), unacceptability (1.01%), openness (91.91%) and non - openness (8.08). %).


Main Subjects

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