An Evaluative Study of the Programs Offered by Faculty Development Centers in Light of the University's Third Function

Document Type : Original Article


Foundations of Education- Faculty of Education- Arish University


The study aimed to propose a perspective for improving the professional development programs of the faculty members in the Egyptian universities in terms of community service aspects, through reviewing the theoretical framework of these programs, exploring the Third Task of the universities, the community service, and investigating the practical applications of these programs at the FLDCs. In so doing, the study adopted the descriptive approach to review these programs, their development and the way they address the faculty’s roles and responsibilities. The study concluded that despite the deep concern with the professional development of the faculty members along with using latest technologies in training programs, so far very few programs are concerned with introducing the faculty to their role in community service. As thus, this study suggests that new programs concerning the role of the faculty members in implementing universities’ Third Task have to be integrated into the professional programs of developing the potentials of the faculty members so that they are more aware about their role in developing their communities. Finally the study recommended that the universities should consider the participation of faculty members in these programs as one of the requirements for promotion and appointment in leadership positions.


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