A proposed unit in biostatistics based on a STEM approach to develop statistical skills and assess the value of cognitive integration among middle school students

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education Port Said University


Believing in the importance of integration as a basis of knowledge and as an applied value; The aim of the current research is to measure the effectiveness of a proposed unit in biostatistics based on a STEM approach in developing statistical skills and estimating the value of knowledge integration, by preparing a unit in biostatistics accompanied by a teacher's guide, and a student's booklet for unit projects and activities. Statistical skills and a measure to assess the value of cognitive integration, and their application, before and after, on a group of (69) students in the second preparatory grade; It was divided into two groups, one of them is an experimental group that studied the proposed unit according to the STEM approach, and the other is a control group that studied the statistics unit prescribed in the textbook by the usual methods, in the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021, and the results of the research resulted in the superiority of the experimental group students over the control group in the application results. The dimension of the two research tools, and accordingly, the research recommended the importance of developing curricula in the light of approaches based on the principle of cognitive integration, and training mathematics teachers and teachers before service to teach these curricula. The research also suggested conducting studies aimed at paying attention to the value of cognitive integration, in addition to studies aimed at reconsidering the Statistics units in textbooks to convert them from classic to functional depth.


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