The Effectiveness Using the Divided Information Strategy (Jigsu) in Teaching the Methods of Islamic teaching course on the Achievement of Sharia female Students in the Educational Preparation Program at Umm Al Qura University

Document Type : Original Article



This study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of the divided information strategy (Jigsu) on the achievement of female students in the course of teaching Islamic teaching  in the educational preparation program at Umm al-Qura University. The researcher used the experimental method based on semi-experimental design. The sample consisted of (70)female students During the spring semester of the academic year 1438 distributed on two sections, one is the control which was taught in the usual way and it is section No. (52),the other the experimental group which was taught by using the jigsu strategy and it is section No.(57), the study tool was applied, which is an achievement test of (pre and post) on the control and experimental sections. The study reached many results, the most important of which were the differences of statistical significance at the level of (0,05) between the average scores of the control and experimental groups on the achievement in favor of the experimental group
The study concluded a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of using the Jigsu strategy in teaching the course of methods of teaching Islamic studies in particular and the other courses in the educational preparation program in general. Emphasized the interest in the jigsu strategy and other cooperative learning strategies where the Studies proved the usefulness of these strategies in teaching then  the usual methods.


Main Subjects