An Evaluation Study for Special Needs Service Center of Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University in Light of Its Goals

Document Type : Original Article



This study aimed to identify the reality of the service center for people with special needs at the Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University according to its objectives. To achieve the objectives of the study  ،a descriptive method was used by applying the questionnaire on the sample of the study selected in a random stratified form of the original study community  ،which reached up to 111 students with special needs at the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University  ،with (4.63% ) and ( 9 ) members of the faculty of the Department of Special Education in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University. The study found the following results :the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in accordance with its objectives  ،the sample of the faculty members responded with a
   moderate approval  ،while the response of the sample students on the same axis was medium. With regard to the results of the axis of obstacles that prevent the achievement of the objectives of the service center for people with special needs at the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University  ، the sample of the faculty members came with a high degree of approval. One of the most prominent services provided by the Center in the field of support and guidance is: providing social and academic support for students with special needs at the university  ،at a high degree  ،from the point of view of the faculty members. And at a medium degree from the point of view of the students. As for the psychosocial counseling services  ، it came in a medium degree from both perspectives. One of the most prominent services provided by the Center is " The field of educational services " is holding training courses for students with special needs such as: Computer courses for the blind ones  ،and the visually impaired  ، English language courses  ،Courses of the safe movement … etc. And it came at a high extent from the point of view of faculty members  ،and to a medium extent from the students' point of view. As for Printing advertisements for various activities at the university in Braille  ،as well as the development of electronic services to suit blinds screen readers and the visually impaired  ،They came at a moderate level for both. One of the most prominent obstacles that hinder the service center for people with special needs at the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University: weak training programs offered to staff at the center  ،and the rule of cultural resistance to change in relation to the trends of care for students with special needs at the university. And a gap between the programs of colleges and the requirements of the labor market with special needs  ،And the lack of student activities offered by the university to the students with special needs  ،and the weakness of faculty members in the use of technological applications that contribute to the development of the abilities of people with special needs.


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