The impact of 3D E-Learning Environment in Teaching History for Developing the Dimensions of Global Civilizational Dialogue and Academic Perseverance among First-Grade Secondary Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of curricula and teaching methods - faculty of education - New-Valley

2 Department of Curricula and teaching methods - Faculty of Education - The university of New Valley


The study aims at recognizing the impact of the 3D E-learning environment in teaching history for developing the dimensions of global civilizational dialogue and academic perseverance among first-grade general secondary students at Tamam Secondary School in Mosha City, affiliated to Assiut Educational Administration at Assiut Governorate. , the researchers used both Descriptive and Experimental methods. The Research materials and tools, which are consisted of a 3D e-learning environment through a web site based on the virtual 3D environment ( , the test of the dimensions of the Global Civilizational Dialogue and the academic perseverance scale, are applied to (32) students. By applying the test and scale to the research sample and after calculating the value of (T), the results show that there is a statistically significant difference between the average of the scores of the students in the pre and post-application of the Global Civilizational Dialogue test and the academic perseverance scale in favor of the post-application of the research sample, which is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01). By applying the effect size equation, it reached (0.96) for the test and (0.91) for the scale, and shown a high impact force that reached (10.31) for the test and (6.4) for the scale. This is an indication of the effectiveness of a 3D E-learning environment . Through the results , it is recommended that history courses should include the dimensions of global civilizational dialogue in the different stages of education and using the virtual environment in learning.


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