The Effect of Online Discussions Based on Idea Generation Strategy (Scamper) on Developing Innovative Marketing Concepts and Self- Regulation Skills for Commercial High school Students

Document Type : Original Article


Curriculum and methods teaching department,Education faculty, Helwan University


The study investigated The Effect of Online Discussions based on Idea generation strategy (Scamper) on developing Innovative Marketing concepts and Self- Regulation skills for Commercial high school students. The researcher constructed check list of Innovative Marketing concepts (21) main concepts and (43) sub concepts. The tools used were a cognitive test of Innovative Marketing concepts and self- regulation skills scale. The Sample consisted of (36) students and divided in to Two experimental groups. The tools of the study were administered after and before the experiment. Results showed there was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the first experimental group students and second experimental group students on the post Innovative Marketing cognitive test in favour of the first experimental group . Another statistically significant difference existed between the mean scores of the first experimental group students and second experimental group students on the post self- regulation skills scale in favour of first experimental group. Finally the study recommended re-directing and re-organizing the different curricula and subjects in commercial schools with the aim of developing student's self- regulation skills, Innovative Marketing concepts and using different strategies to develop them.


Main Subjects

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