The Effect Of The Romantic And The Philosophical Understandings Of The ‎Imaginative Approach On Developing Pragmatics Skills And Language ‎Functions For Prep School Students

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education- Helwan university


The study aimed at developing the required pragmatic skills and the use of language functions for the 3rd year prep school students through the romantic and the philosophical understandings of the imaginative approach .Participants of the study were randomly selected and divided into two groups(30 for the experimental group and 30 for the control group). The study used a pragmatic skill test and a language functions test. The necessary pragmatic skills for the 3rd year prep school students were determined through the use of a checklist approved by a jury of specialists in teaching EFL. During the experiment, the experimental group received instruction through using the romantic and the philosophical understandings of the imaginative approach while the control group received regular instruction. The experiment lasted for two months. The analytical descriptive method and quasi experimental design were followed. The statistical analysis of the obtained data from the two administrations of the pragmatic test and the two administrations of the language functions test confirmed the effect of the romantic and philosophical understandings of the imaginative approach on developing pragmatics skills and language functions for the 3rd prep school students. Thus ,the aim of the study was achieved as using the romantic and philosophical understandings of the imaginative approach showed a large effect size on developing pragmatics skills and language functions for the 3rd prep school students.


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