A Structural Model of the relationships between the Interpersonal-emotion regulation (tendency, efficacy), Cognitive emotion regulation strategies (adaptive, maladaptive), and Psychological Flourishing among the Gifted, and Academically Superior Students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Special Education-Education College- King Khalid University


The study aimed to (1) determine the correlation between interpersonal-emotion regulation (tendency and efficacy), the cognitive emotion regulation strategies (adaptive and maladaptive), and psychological flourishing among gifted, academically superior, and academically superior gifted students, (2) identify the differences between the groups in all these variables, (3) determine the best structural model for the causal relationships between the study variables (N=204; Mage= 21.81±2.91 at King Khalid University). A four standards were used to determine gifted students including academic rate, Overexcitability, self-report, and expert report. Interpersonal-emotion regulation Questionnaire by Williams et al. (2018), cognitive emotion regulation strategies questionnaire by Garenifski et al. (2009), and psychological flourishing scale by Diener et al. (2010) were used. The study showed (a) there are a statistically significant correlations p≤.05 between the interpersonal-emotion regulation, cognitive emotion regulation strategies, and psychological flourishing, (b) there are not differences between gifted, academically superior, and academically superior gifted in a total score of interpersonal-emotions regulation, cognitive emotion regulation strategies, and the goodness life, (c) there are differences statistically significant between gifted and academically superior in the tendency interpersonal-emotions regulation, and total score of psychological flourishing favour the gifted compared to the academically superior, (d) A study showed a best structural model that cognitive strategies mediated the relation between interpersonal-emotion regulation and psychological flourishing.


Main Subjects

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