Education and civilization of the Egyptian personality in the light of contemporary challenges- and educational vision

Document Type : Original Article


Tanta university, faculty of Education ,foundatuon of Education,


The current research has dealt with the role of education in supporting the civilized construction of the Egyptian personality in light of contemporary challenges, according to cultural foundation from which it derives its strength, as well as value standards, ethical principles and social controls that express civilized behavior within its framework. And there are factors and challenges gnawing at its construction. We have to raise awareness of it, stressing the responsibilities of the Egyptian people to protect it; Education relies on, in this context, a civilized building of the human being in harmony with the conditions and terms of the civilizational renaissance and its vocabulary. The current research was based on the descriptive method analysis the philosophical analysis .the researcher also used the standardized interview to extrapolate the opinions of some scholars of the Egyptian personality. The most prominent results: that the Egyptian personality has its structural dimensions, which in its essence constitute the cultural components in the personality of Egypt .the Egyptian personality, is also exposed to many campaigns of distortion and destruction due to several factors. The research recommends several recommendations, the most prominent of which is building the civilized model recommendations, the most prominent of which is building the civilized model according to the philosophy, goals. Mechanisms and components of civilized education, and according to the structure of the Personality which constitutes its civilized ident.


Main Subjects

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