The effectiveness of enabling environments for students of the first stage of basic education in light of the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Deparment of Foundations of Education, Faculty of Education, Damanhour ‎University


The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of enabling environments for students of the first cycle of basic education in light of the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.The study used the descriptive survey method, and the questionnaire tool, which was applied to a stratified random sample of (1158) members of the school administration workers, supervisors, teachers and the school specialist for the first cycle of basic education. The study reached the most important results that: the average weights of the degrees of the study sample responses on the questionnaire axes ranged between medium and weak. The second axis came first: the healthy enabling environment for the first cycle school of basic education, then the first axis related to the legislative, legal and social enabling environment for the first cycle of basic education school, then the fifth axis for the media enabling environment, then the fourth axis related to the informational technological enabling environment and for the first cycle school of basic education, then the third axis related to the enabling environment of the educational system of the first cycle of basic education school, and in the last place the sixth axis for the enabling environment for the governmental, economic and political contributions of the first cycle school of basic education, Where the average weights of the axes expressions in the order were (1.724), (1.648), (1.621) (1.529), (1.405), out of (3) degrees.


Main Subjects

ثانيًا: المراجع الأجنبية
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