The Role of high school in strengthening aspects of citizenship has requested from the perspective of teachers in the humanities.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Educational Administration Al-Aqsa University

2 Director General of Educational Activities At the Ministry of Education


Study aimed to identify the role of high school in strengthening aspects of citizenship has requested from the perspective of teachers in the humanities. To achieve the goal descriptive analytical method used, and the questionnaire addressed to the teachers of humanities in secondary schools east of Gaza Directorate of Education, were distributed (163) questionnaire, and highlighted the findings of the study:
- There is no statistically significant differences at the average (α≤0.05) between the average answers teachers of humanities in the promotion-related aspects of citizenship can be attributed to variable sex
- There is no statistically significant differences at the average (α≤0.05) between the average answers teachers of humanities in the promotion-related aspects of citizenship can be attributed to the educational qualification variable (Pkalorios- Master and higher).
- There is no statistically significant differences at the average (α≤0.05) between the average answers teachers of humanities in the promotion-related aspects of citizenship can be attributed to the variable of years of service
- There is no statistically significant differences at the average (α≤0.05) between the average answers teachers of humanities in the promotion-related aspects of citizenship can be attributed to variable Specialization (Arabic Language - Ajtmaiat- Islamic Education).
