The Timing of Presenting The Graphic Agent Reinforcement (Continuous - Intermittent) Accompanying The Digital Story Activities and Their Effect on Withdrawal Behavior, Attention Span, and the Development of Some Pre-academic Concepts for the Moderate Intellectual Disability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Educational Sciences, Educational Technology, Faculty of Sciences for Special Needs

2 Intellectual Disabilities Dept., faculty of Special Needs Sciences, Beni Suef university


The research aims to uncover the effect two types of timing of presenting reinforcement (Continuous - Intermittent) by  animated agent accompanying the digital story activities on withdrawal behavior and attention span and the development of some pre-academic concepts in the Moderate Intellectual Disability. The descriptive analytical, the developmental and the quasi-experimental approach were used. The research sample included 24 children aged from 6 to 9 years old, who were divided into two experimental groups, The first group used continuous reinforcement while the second  group used the static intermittent reinforcement and  The researchers also designed the digital story environment with two types of timing to present the animated agent reinforcement (Continuous - Intermittent) for  the research sample by following the Khamis (2007) model of ISD and deriving the design criteria specified for the digital stories environment from the research sample. The research tools consisted of the achievement test of pre-academic concepts and measures of withdrawal behavior from the learning Sessions, continuity and observation of the duration of attention measured in seconds.  The results showed that effectiveness of the two methods of reinforcement in reducing the withdrawal behavior and the development of pre-academic concepts and attention span. The study recommends conducting research that deals with the impact of different methods of presenting reinforcement in other digital stories and their effect on some learning outcomes for them with.


Main Subjects

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