The effectiveness of a programme for The development of social awareness skills and Academic self concept among primary school pupils with reading disabilities

Document Type : Original Article


1 En Shams university

2 Professor of Educational Psychology - Girls College - Ain Shams University

3 Teacher of Educational Psychology - Girls College - Ain Shams University


The present study aims to identify the effectiveness of a programme for the development of social awareness skills and self_concept among primary school pupils. The study sample consisted of 20 male and female pupils divided in to two groups : 10 pupils represented the experimental group and 10pupils represented the control groupIn addition to controlling the following :Intelligence variables, Age of time social and cutural standard of the families. The research has applied the following tools : the standford intelligence scale the 5 th edition (translation and codification of Safwat Erneest Faraj 2011), Neuroscience test( prepared by margat mutti and others )(arabization of Mustafa kamalt (by  1998), social and cultural levels of the family (by alyah ahmed Mahmoud 1995),Reading disability test (By Ahmed Ahmed Awad,2011) social awareness skill test .(prepared by suad Mohammed Al_Mahdy ,2013 , Academic self_concept test (prepared by Shaimaa Gaber Sayed  ,2015), the effectiveness of aprogramme for the development of social awareness skills and self_concept among primary  school pupils with reading disabilities (prepared by the researcher).The results of the present study confirmed the effectiveness of the programme which the researcher prepared and applied in the development of social awareness skills and self _concept among primary school pupils with reading disabilities.The results of the study revealed a difference in both the social  awareness skills and the self_concept among the experimental group members in the pre and post measurements    for the post _measurement and adifference in social awareness skills and the academic self_concept between the experimental group and the controlling group ,in the post measurement ,for the experimental group whereas there was no difference in social awareness skills or academic self concept  in both the post _measurement and sequent measurement among the members of the experimental group.


Main Subjects

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