Successful intelligence and its relationship with reflective thinking skills and memletics learning styles, with gifted students in a WICS model perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Education college, King Faisal University


      The current research aims to investigate the relationship between successful intelligence,   reflective thinking and Learning styles, The sample consists of (60) students in secondary school from (15-18) age, The researcher applied the successful intelligence by Sternberg Translated by the researcher, and the reflective thinking scale by Kember (2000) Translated by the researcher, and Learning styles scale by Whiteley translated by Abukoura (2019). The results showed that there are statistically significant correlation between successful intelligence and reflective thinking skills and Learning styles with gifted students, there are significance differences in successful intelligence in dimensions of creativity and practical in favor of male, and in dimensions of analytical in favor of female. and there are differences in the reflection thinking dimensions of reflective in favor of female, and in critical reflection in favor of male, and there are significance differences in preferring Learning styles in visual, verbal,solitary in favor of female, and in logical, and physical in favor in male.


Main Subjects

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