Aprogram based on using Kalila and Dimna Stories for developing dialogue skills For the primary stage students

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of girls Ain shams university

2 Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language - Girls College - Ain Shams University


The aim of the research is to develop dialogue skills for primary school pupils, using a program based on the employment of Kalila and Dimna stories. Suggestions have been developed to develop dialogue skills for pupils in various educational levels, and the application has been made in Beheira Governorate, and the study has used the descriptive analytical approach: in connection with a review The literature and previous studies that dealt with oral communication and dialogue, the semi-experimental approach: and that is related to the experience of research and controlling its variables, and the design based on one group with pre and post application was used.
The most important results were the effectiveness of the program based on the stories of Kalila and Dimna in developing dialogue skills, where there is a statistically significant difference between the averages of the students ’scores in the dimension test of dialogue skills in favor of the post- test, and the effectiveness of the program that is based on blunt stories and obesity in developing dialogue skills, where There is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores for the research group students in the post test of the dialogue skills in each skill separately for the benefit of the post test


Main Subjects


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