The Effectiveness of Learning by Contract Strategy in developing Creative Thinking in Mathematics For Preparatory Stage Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 curriculum and methods of teaching -Women's College - ain shams university

2 Curricula and Methods of Teaching -Women's College -ain shams university

3 Women's College - Ain Shams University-Curricula & Methods of Teaching


      The research is aimed at discovering the effectiveness of learning by contract strategy to develop creative thinking, The research sample was made up of (70) students of the second grad preparatory in the El-Sharqia Governorate who have been divided equally into two groups, one is experimental and the other is a control of each of them (35) Students.the measuring tool has been contained (Teacher's Guide for two  units according to learning by contract strategy -Student's Guide -the creative thinking test in Mathematics) ,the measuring tool has been applied before and after on the research group.The research results have been confirmed that there was  statistically significant difference at the level (0.01) between the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group students in  the post application of the creative thinking test in favor of the experimental group. As well as there was  statistically significant difference at the level (0.01) between the mean scores of the experimental group  students in  the pre the post applications of the creative thinking test in favor of the post application. This shows that the learning by contract strategy is effective in developing creative thinking with its various skills. In light of these results, The research recommended that this strategy should be applied to other branches of mathematics, as well as training teachers to use it in teaching mathematics at various educational levels.


Main Subjects

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