Development of Productive Mind Habits as an Orientation to Reduce Occupational Burnout for Teachers of Special-needs Education

Document Type : Original Article




 The study aimed to develop productive habits of mind to reduce Occupational burnout for teachers of special-needs education in the State of Kuwait through designing a program based on some productive mind habits for teachers of special-needs education. The sample of the current study consisted of (30) female teachers of special-needs education at the primary and middle stages whose ages range between (22-45) years. The researchers used the following tools: Occupational Burnout Scale of Maslach (Maslach& Jackson, 1981), Productive habits of mind Scale, and Developmental tools: program for developing productive habits of mind to reduce occupational burnout. The current study adopted the experimental approach. The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences among the average scores of the individuals of the experimental group in the pre- and post-measurement of occupational burnout scale in relation to the total degree of occupational burnout and the individual dimensions in favor of the post measurement. There are no differences in the post and consecutive measurement of the scale of occupational burnout regarding the total degree of occupational burnout and the dimensions of each separately. There are differences in the pre and post measurement of the mind habits regarding the total degree of mind habits and the dimensions individually in favor of the post measurement. There are no differences in the post and consecutive measurement of the mind habits scale concerning all dimensions. There are differences in the post and consecutive measurement of the mind habits scale concerning the total degree of mind habits in favor of the consecutive measurement.   


Main Subjects

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